Thursday, December 26, 2013

I missed Halloween!

I missed it on this blog, obviously, and I missed it in person. I was actually gone for a conference so my Mom came and helped Jim do it without me.  However, I didn't want to miss at least documenting this.
In this new season of life of a middle schooler (all except school because our 6th graders are still in the elementary school), 3rd grader and a preschooler has been a bit of an adjustment.  Managing all the activities, the busyness of my work and Jim's work, along with more sports, and more activities with friends has kept me a little crazy. However, this season of life has been such a blessing for my children that I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I am just not getting it documented like I would like...
 Mad Scientist - one of my coworkers made him a name badge with his name, picture and everything on it along with barcode. It was pretty cool!
 My knight!
And a group shot (with Sam..Kyle's buddy who we love having join us in the fun)..sorry its sideways, it isn't on the computer but oh well.
This was the first year that Kyle did not trick or treat with us. He went with friends.  Bittersweet to have him grow up, but I am on my knees thankful that he has friends (and quality ones at that!).

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