Friday, October 26, 2012

Facebook Posts

Callie has been keeping us very entertained lately. She is a bit of a handful, a bit sassy, but she says the funniest things.  Here are some of what I have shared on facebook lately.
Callie goes by with a football and a few minutes later I hear, "Baby got a fumble! Yeah." #shesgotbigbrothers

Callie just informed me in her super sad sorry voice, "Mommy, I am so sorry, but you can't dance because you don't have a tutu." She seems to think that this would make me very sad.

Callie's favorite phrase, "I want to have you. " hmmm. Do I really want to be had? 

I often tell Callie when she is fussy that if she doesn't stop fussying by the time I count to three, she is going in her bed til she is nice. After being in her bed she comes out and says, "it's not nice Mommy. You don't count to three anymore. Not nice." Lol 

Callie keeps us entertained with conversations like this, " I love you too, mom. The sun wakes me up and I come say good morning. I want barbies for Christmas. Ok, mom? "

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Today Callie and I were getting some supplies for church. Every time she saw an employee (or anyone who'd look at her at her really) she'd announced to them, "My mom needs help!" 

A princess and two dinosaurs is what every little girl wants to take to Grandmas house! 

Callie hauls her babies all over the house in her grocery cart but the cutest thing is when she talks to them! She says things like It ok guys! Guys we goin this way! OK guys? I read you a book guys! Guys it's time to go nite nite k? I thought about telling her that all her babies are girls not guys, but then decided where is the fun in that? 

Tonight we were talking about showing God respect through prayer. Callie listened for a long time and then blurts out "God made my nose."

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Marcelina Z said...
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