Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy 75th Birthday Mom!

Last week, my whole family was in Iowa and we had a reunion of sorts. It was great to catch up with everyone, to meet new nieces and make great memories.

We ended the week with a surprise 75th birthday party for my mom. She was really shocked! Here is a link to the pictures on facebook of the party and week.

There is still more fun to look forward to. Later this year (the week after Thanksgiving to be precise) my mom, my eldest sister, and I are going to go on a weekend cruise to the Bahamas to finish celebrating my mom's birthday. Should be a lot of fun! Mom was pretty shocked about that too.
Unfortunately after getting home from the week of fun, the boys and I got hit with some sickness, but we are all starting to feel better so that is good.
We had planned to go to the river Friday afternoon (since I have this Saturday off from work ) and come home late Saturday night.  I am not sure with being sick if we will do that afterall. Right now the thought of packing up for one more night is just exhausting!  I will see how I feel tomorrow, but it might be nice to just stay home, go to the pool, and get caught up on laundry and what not!


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