Saturday, March 30, 2013

Remodel Stage Five

 Well, yesterday before our Good Friday service and today before Saturday night services, Jim and I had a painting marathon. We were both VERY happy to get that project done. Still tons to do in the kitchen, but it is getting closer... step by step.
So we had to repaint the entire ceiling and rehang the lights. Jim did most of this. I painted the ceiling in the pantry where you can't see very well, lol! I can trim fairly decent, but I do not do well with ceilings!

Then we had to prime all of the areas of new drywall. I did this while Jim painted ceiling.
Then we rehung the lights we had taken down and started with a new coat of paint in the kitchen. Our walls were in tough shape with knicks everywhere so we painted all of the kitchen(two coats on the primed areas).

Jim made a fort for Callie out of my desk in the entry way and she played in there most of the morning while we painted.  Even ate her lunch in there!

Then since we had to pull out stuff to paint the walls under the upper cabinets, it made sense to go ahead and give all of the upper cabinets a new coat of the purple paint (the doors will have to get done later).

I had already painted the cabinet that we had taken down to repair the soffit so tonight after kids went to bed, Jim hung that cabinet back up. This is the one that needs the shelf built under it.

Then Jim hung the cabinets over my desk!!!  I had also painted those previously!  We still need to hang my bulletin board, but it was a marathon of a day (that also included decorating eggs and hiding eggs for our egg hunt tomorrow).
Another view of the desk area and the now painted pantry!!! 
It is amazing what you can do with the cabinets you already have. 

Next step, trim, cove and repairing the wall paper border.... 

It feels really good to get that done! The kitchen feels so clean, but it was a LONG day and a half.  Looking at how busy April is getting, we are definitely glad to be this far along on this project!!

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