Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Well, first I have to confess that we were so exhausted from the busy sports schedule, work schedules, and the Fuel group that we did through church that we didn't buy or carve pumpkins this year. It just seemed like TOO MUCH work.  We did, however, do costumes and trick or treat.
Again my pictures are goofy. I have flipped them and saved them on my computer so I don't know what the issue it.
 Callie wanted to be a princess this year!  Grandma had a couple of princess dresses in her dress up clothes downstairs, we had some tiaras from her first birthday party, and so a priness she was. She was so excited and happy about dressing up.  I should've really shot some video.  These are days I am going to forget, but so wish I didn't. Her enthusiasm for life is just contagious.
 Conner wanted to be a football player.  Green Bay would've been his preference, but we didn't have a helmet so he went with broncos. Since we had a helmet, he could borrow a jersey from Kyle and we borrowed some pants from a co-workers who has older boys who play football and baseball!
 Kyle wanted to be a wizard this year. While we made it clear that we just couldn't purchase costumes this year, we felt a tug for Kyle. His years of trick or treating are coming to an end, we had nothing make shift at home that would fit him, and I am just sentimental about how old he is getting. So we foudn some fabric on a clearance rack and I sewed him a wizard cloak. Given my limited sewing ability, I was pleased with how it turnedout. Grandpa just happened to have the wand or stick. :)
 Here are they all are getting ready to go trick or treating!!!
The boys let Callie go first and ring most of the doorbells.  Although Conner had to do a few since she wasn't always tall enough.  We just left our candy dish on the front step and all went together this year rather than me staying home to hand out candy.   With our family time being so limited as of late, this was a much needed fun family night.

I thought we had a lot of candy with two trick or treaters.. With three OH MY!!!  With my cruise just three weeks away exactly, I got to figure out a way to stay out of that candy!!! LOL 

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