Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Wow! I meant to finishing posting about vacation, I did. I really did. For years, I have given you a day by day account of our vacation.  This year I failed.  I don't know if I will ever have time to go back and accomplish that!  I am sure you are super disappointed.

It has been a crazy couple of emotional weeks here with lots of changes in store:

  • First, I accepted a new position at church.  I will be overseeing all programming birth to 5th grade rather than just up to preschool. Sounds CRAZY, doesn't it. Yep, that's what I thought too for most of the summer.  However, God has been working on my heart, changing some dynamics at church, and challenging me to take the leap.   This is never something I have sought out and it took a lot of painful personal examination, dealing with fear, and a lot of patient friends and co-workers to finally say Yes!  People will congratulate me and I don't know what to say except this was more like God dragging me to the alter than me gaining some sort of promotion!!!  A few more thoughts about this:
    • Despite my fears, God has shown up in so many ways surrounding this. I have a circle of co-workers, family, and friends who have all said resoundingly that they believe this is the right step and right time. They are continually stepping in, helping me, encouraging me, and showing me great love and grace. I am humbled.  The timing of things has been amazing as are the people that God has brought to the team so far.
    • My faith is being challenged. It has been a long time since God asked me to do something and I didn't know what to do.  This ought to be an adventure!!! 
    • I did not go full-time. It was a possibility, but I needed to maintain some margin for my family and my personal sanity.  We worked out a plan that should work eventually once we get some structure and stability under our feet. 
    • Right now I am overwhelmed by all that needs to happen and the time constraints, that is why I haven't been on here much and may not be as much as I would like!

  • One my closest and dearest friends and co-workers lost her mother just a couple of weeks ago which has been a heart breaking journey for her.  Then just last week she announced she is moving to LOUISANA!  That is just plain hard.  We have been through so much together, can be completely ourselves, and the list goes on and on.  I find myself crying at the drop of the hat in public and at home. I am truly happy for her new journey, but I will truly from the depths of my heart miss seeing her, laughing with her, and all the other fun things we do together!!!!  On top of that, I work closely with her at work and that is a huge loss too.  There aren't too many friends that you know love you no matter what and she is one of those! It is hard for Jim too because he had a great relationship with her husband too...

  • School starts tomorrow. I am not even remotely sad about this.  THe boys need a break from each other.  Conner is struggling with the way he treats Kyle which causes all of us a lot of stress.  We did everything on our bucket list this summer. I was home more, we had a great summer, and now they need some more structure.   Callie will start a third day of child care next week, but even that makes me happy. She gets to spend her days with other women who love God and adore her.  Truly, I think she is only better for the experience!!!

Soon football and soccer will start among other things, but in November I get to go on a cruise to the Bahamas and JIm and I are hoping for a weekend trip to the Omaha Zoo this fall as well!!!  I think I will have earned those breaks by then!!!!! 

Will you pray for me? I so want to honor God in my decisions, in my leadership, in the way I love those around me, and the way I interact with my family.  I want to move his mission forward. I don't feel worthy of the task even remotely, but trusting He will lead us forward!

p.s. I didn't proof this at all. No time! Sorry if it is a mess or filled with typos. :)

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